Hey there my little kidltes!
I have finally gotten around to start this blog, It has been in the works for a very long time now and well *YAY* its here.
Things for me have changed so much in SL, I have a loving family with the most amazing mother I could have asked for.
Having the family I have now has really made my eyes open and I love it so much.
Being a kid is so much fun and well as I often think to myself in RL, "Things were so much more fun as a kid" I can now enjoy those little things again.
I am fashion lover at heart and this carries over into my little Av to so why not have a kid blog.
I think this blog will be a mix of me blah blahing and also a bit of my kid roleplay.
But mostly just me showing you the amazing items to be had all across the grid.
I suggest you get a piece of paper and your favourite crayon to write down all the stuff you will be begging your parents for after reading my blog.
On to the little shop-o-holic haul for today. (I will often show a mix of new and old items, However I will try to always blog the items that can still be brought.)
My favourite hair of all time for a cute kid style is Buttons by Chemistry , But please get version two as this is the one that fits properly.
I think with a kid av the secret to making it look adorable is always in the details of the accessories. With this look I have added the set of Anya OhMai's Squirrel items which are as cute as can be.
The outfit by Turducken featured is a little on the expensive side for a kid, But its more than worth it with the whole set in one. This includes the dress, two hair bows, knee socks and boots.
I LOVE pacifiers as a kid av in SL, Some people don't. I personally think although in rl I think three is getting to old for one, It adds that little touch of cute to complete a look.
Little look of the day #1
Skin: .Birdy. - Maisie Skin - ~Pure~ - (Bare) - VIP gift - (Group cost 50L)
Hair: (Chemistry) - Buttons 2 w blunt bangs - (Not Rigged) - (Try marketplace)
Eyes: .tsg. - Luminate - Ice Blue
Shape: Mine - Not for sale
Glasses: !Ohmai - Steampunk Squirrel Goggles - Human Ver - (Past C88 item)
Pacifier: {C*K} - Lalafant Paci - *Rainbow* - RARE - (Gotcha Item - Not Available)
Earrings: Blah. - (My Cute Heart Earrings) - White
Dress: Turducken - ToddleeDoo - Lana Outfit - Green
Socks: Turducken - ToddleeDoo - Lana Outfit - Green
Boots: Turducken - ToddleeDoo - Lana Outfit - Green
Squirrel: !Ohmai - Steampunk - Natural Squirrel - (Past C88 item) - (His name is Knips)
.click. - Classic - Pose set for TD
Grass: 8f8 - Green Lookout - (Gotcha item) - (Past arcade)
Blanket: .click. - Patty-cake! - (V.I.P group gift, Group costs 250L)
Tree: +Half-Deer+ - Daydreaming Tree - Blue - (Blue Clouds) - (Past C88 Item)
PlayBox: flowey - self picnic - violet - (C88 Item)
Skin: .Birdy. - Maisie Skin - ~Pure~ - (Bare) - VIP gift - (Group cost 50L)
Hair: (Chemistry) - Buttons 2 w blunt bangs - (Not Rigged) - (Try marketplace)
Eyes: .tsg. - Luminate - Ice Blue
Shape: Mine - Not for sale
Glasses: !Ohmai - Steampunk Squirrel Goggles - Human Ver - (Past C88 item)
Pacifier: {C*K} - Lalafant Paci - *Rainbow* - RARE - (Gotcha Item - Not Available)
Earrings: Blah. - (My Cute Heart Earrings) - White
Dress: Turducken - ToddleeDoo - Lana Outfit - Green
Socks: Turducken - ToddleeDoo - Lana Outfit - Green
Boots: Turducken - ToddleeDoo - Lana Outfit - Green
Squirrel: !Ohmai - Steampunk - Natural Squirrel - (Past C88 item) - (His name is Knips)
.click. - Classic - Pose set for TD
Grass: 8f8 - Green Lookout - (Gotcha item) - (Past arcade)
Blanket: .click. - Patty-cake! - (V.I.P group gift, Group costs 250L)
Tree: +Half-Deer+ - Daydreaming Tree - Blue - (Blue Clouds) - (Past C88 Item)
PlayBox: flowey - self picnic - violet - (C88 Item)
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